
The reason why I almost lost my voice this weekend

Jared sent this article over to me, published in the Deseret News.
It's true, we lost and it was a hard fought game, but I'm still proud of our students. I always will be.

"While both sides drew great fan support, we learned the Aggies can transfer their legendary spirit of the Spectrum home court.

The Aggie student section killed the BYU side. They arrived earlier and were louder. It was like USU students came wired for an organized, orchestrated cage fight with a script. BYU's side sounded like they were at family home evening without a lesson plan leader.

"I've never played Utah State before," said BYU's Jonathan Tavernari, who led all scorers with 24 points. "This will help me for when we go up there next year."

Sort of. It will be twice as loud. And personal.

"Both fans are crazy," said Cummard. "Their fans are crazy; our fans are better. I'm glad we got the victory. Their fans have a lot of mean things to say and our team didn't let it bother us today,"

"Tonight they got after Lee, next year, it'll be me," said BYU's Jackson Emery."

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